Wednesday, August 5, 2009

busy week is still busy

So I've been surpisingly busy. Seen two movies in the last two weeks Orphan and Funny People, both were good and eventually I'll start writing reviews of movies I see. And I'll note that I think Orphan is the type of movie you really need to see in a theater to really get the emotion of it.
Other than that, last week I went to Atlantic City - with my parents. My father was there for the Food and Wine Festival, which is a terrible place to go when you are on a diet. The City itself was a bit nicer than I expected, but not anywhere nice enough that I would want to live there. Mostly having to do with the stink of sewage.
This weekend I am heading up to my eldest brother's wedding. He's thirty two, so it is about time. My mother declared that she dieted out of the dress and can't go now. Speaking of which, when I get married I'm dictating what she'll be wearing just to save all those near her the pain and agony of her bemoaning everything about the dress, and to prevent the bride from making comments about it.
Attempting to do the one hundred pushups challenge, but I'm being hindered by the traveling. Other than that, not much happening.
Have things to do, places to be.

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