Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So slow...

Something PositiveImage via Wikipedia
So I've been trying to post for almost two days but the internet in my apartment has been sucking. Luckily I only have to deal with it for another two weeks and then I'll be at my parent's and they do have very good internet their, if nothing else.
I'm trying to pack and trying to find a real job as fast as possible to lessen the amount of time I need to be at "home". Every job I find though is usually a stretch for me to apply for, or they require three years experience, which I clearly do not have. I need to pack but I don't have any boxes at the moment. I plan to pick some up on Friday from the ABC store as I've heard that that is a good place to get them.
In the meantime I've been rereading Something Positive, which is an amusing waste of time, playing with my roommate's cat, and avoiding applying for the jobs I've previously stated I do not qualify for.
At one point in the last couple of days I actually had some type of content idea for this post, but I've clearly forgotten it. Now to go grocery shopping just to get out of the house.

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